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Early Years Furniture In Childcare Centre

10 Essentials for Early Years Furniture

If you are a parent with young children, then you know how important a role early years furniture plays in your childs life. This is because early childhood is a crucial time for development, and your child needs a comfortable place to learn and grow. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 essentials for early years furniture. Keep reading to learn more!

Early Years Furniture In Childcare Centre

What is Considered Early Years Furniture?

When talking about Educational resources, early years furniture refers to any type of furniture that is designed for use by children aged 3 and under. This includes items such as cribs, high chairs, playpens, and car seats. It is important to choose furniture that is safe for your child and that meets their specific needs.

Why is Early Years Furniture Important?

Early years furniture is one of the essential Montessori resources because it helps your child to develop both physically and mentally. For example, early years furniture such as cribs and playpens provide a safe place for your child to sleep and play. 

This is important because it allows them to explore their surroundings without you having to worry about their safety. Additionally, early years furniture such as high chairs and car seats help your child to develop their fine motor skills.

Advantages Of Using Early Years Furniture

There are many advantages of using early years furniture, some of which include:

  • It helps to develop your child's physical skills.
  • It helps to develop your child's mental skills.
  • It provides a safe and secure environment for your child.
  • It is durable and long-lasting.
  • It is easy to clean and maintain.

Disadvantages Of Using Early Years Furniture

There are a few disadvantages of using early years furniture, which include:

  • It can be expensive.
  • It can be heavy and difficult to move around.
  • It can take up a lot of space.

What are the 10 Essentials for Early Years Furniture?

1. Cots

Cots are one of the most essential pieces of early years furniture. They provide a safe and comfortable place for your child to sleep. Cots should be made from sturdy materials and have a firm mattress. They can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, metal, and plastic.

Essential Early Years Furniture - Wooden Cot

2. High Chairs

High chairs are another essential piece of early years furniture. They are used to help your child sit up at the table. High chairs should be made from sturdy materials and have a harness to keep your child safe. High chairs can either be free-standing or attached to the table.

3. Playpens

Another important piece of early years furniture and one of the most important Montessori resources is a playpen. Playpens are used to provide a safe and secure area for your child to play. Some may argue that playpens are not necessary, but they can be a lifesaver when you need to take a break or get some work done.

4. Activity Tables

An activity table is another great piece of early years furniture. Activity tables can be used for a variety of activities, including arts and crafts, puzzles, and games. Activity tables should be made of sturdy materials and should be the right size for your child.

5. Baby bouncers

When talking about Montessori resources, we cannot forget about baby bouncers. Baby bouncers are a great way to keep your baby entertained while you are busy with other things. They are also a great way to help your baby develop his or her gross motor skills. Another great thing about baby bouncers is that they can be used both indoors and outdoors.

6. Activity mats

Activity mats can be either soft or firm, depending on your preference. They are a great way to create a safe space for your baby to play. Activity mats can also be used for tummy time, which is important for your baby’s development.

7. Ball pits

There are many types of ball pits available on the market, from inflatable ones to rigid plastic ones. Ball pits are a great way to encourage your baby to crawl and explore his or her surroundings. They are also a lot of fun for babies and toddlers alike.

8. Climbing frames

Climbing frames are a great way to encourage your child to be active. They can be used indoors or outdoors, and they come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Climbing frames are a great way to develop your child’s gross motor skills.

9. Soft play equipment

When we say “soft play,” we’re referring to any type of equipment that is soft and safe for babies and toddlers. This could include foam blocks, bean bag chairs, play mats, etc. Soft play equipment is a great way to encourage your child to explore his or her environment.

10. Ride-on toys

Ride-on toys are always fun for the kiddos. They help with gross motor skills, balance, and coordination. There are so many different types of ride-on toys to choose from, so you’re sure to find one that your child will love.

What To Keep In Mind When Shopping For Early Years Furniture

When shopping for early years furniture, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind:

  1. Safety is always the number one priority. Make sure any furniture you purchase is sturdy and well-made.
  2. Consider the size of the furniture. You don’t want pieces that are too big or too small for your space.
  3. Think about how the furniture will be used. Will it be primarily for play or for storage?
  4. Choose age-appropriate furniture. Don’t buy toys that are too advanced for your child or pieces that are too babyish for an older child.
  5. Keep in mind your budget. There is a wide range of prices when it comes to early years furniture, so find something that fits your budget.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is child-sized furniture important?

Child-sized furniture is important because it allows children to easily use and access the pieces. This type of furniture is also generally safer for kids to use, as opposed to adult-sized furniture that can be too tall or too heavy for them.

Early Years Furniture - Table And Chair

Which is an example of furniture for an early childhood environment?

One example of furniture for an early childhood environment is a Montessori-style work table and chair set. This type of furniture is designed to be the perfect size for kids and to encourage independence and exploration.

What early years furniture is used in classrooms?

Early years furniture in the classroom is typically used for a variety of purposes, such as seating, storage, and workspaces. Classroom furniture should be comfortable and functional so that kids can easily use it for learning activities.

How does furniture affect learning?

Furniture can have a big impact on learning. For example, comfortable furniture can help kids focus and stay engaged in activities. Furniture that is the right size for kids can also help them feel more confident and independent.

Why is child-sized furniture important in Montessori?

In the Montessori method, child-sized furniture is an important part of the learning environment. This type of furniture allows kids to move around easily and helps them feel comfortable and confident in their surroundings.

When should you buy a toddler table?

Most Montessori schools recommend buying a toddler table when your child is between 18 and 24 months old. This is because this is the age when kids are starting to use furniture more independently.

What facilities do children need?

The following list outlines the minimum facilities that every child needs:

  • A safe place to play
  • A place to sleep
  • A place to eat
  • A toilet

What materials should be in a preschool classroom?

The following list outlines the minimum materials that every preschool classroom should have:

  • A variety of books
  • Puzzles
  • Blocks
  • Art supplies
  • Musical instruments
  • A computer


As you can see, many different early years furniture pieces are essential for child growth and development. By providing your child with the right furniture, you are setting them up for success. Click here to shop our range of age appropriate furniture.
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