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Bush Tucker Honey Ants

Original price $0 ex GST
Original price $34.90 ex GST - Original price $34.90 ex GST
Original price
Current price $34.90 ex GST
$34.90 ex GST - $34.90 ex GST
Current price $34.90 ex GST

Australian Aboriginals have eaten native animal and plant foods for an estimated 60,000 years. Our Bush Tucker range celebrates this Culture knowledge and traditions by allowing Educators to quickly incorporate traditional bush foods into their curriculum. Found in Australia?s arid or semiarid environments Honey Ants are ants that have swollen abdomens full of sweet honeydew. Traditionally gathered by women from nests found under shrubs or trees and collected in coolamons, the honey is sucked from the abdomen taking care not to kill or hurt the ant (whilst not getting bitten) allowing the ants to continue making more honey. Honey Ants also feature in traditional artworks with the honey ant said to be the earthly manifestation of the Seven Sisters. The Dreaming story for the Yerramp (Honey Ant) belongs to Ngkwarlerlanem and Arnkawenyerr in northern Utopia and connects to other stories in other areas. Made from felt.

SKU 366_060_25

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