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Desert Eggs

Original price $0 ex GST
Original price $54.90 ex GST - Original price $54.90 ex GST
Original price
Current price $54.90 ex GST
$54.90 ex GST - $54.90 ex GST
Current price $54.90 ex GST

Snakes, crocodiles, lizards, echidnas, platypuses, emus all hatch out of eggs ? how great is Australian fauna!? This set of desert eggs allow children to use their imagination in play to create their own open-ended learning experiences.? A great sensory experience allowing children to hold and manipulate the eggs in their hands. Perfect for children exploring transporting schema due to the light and inviting design. This set of 12 eggs has multiple uses in the curriculum from incorporating into maths, science, dramatic play areas to open ended provocations allowing for extension of child interests. Made from wood.

SKU 181_001_55

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