by Spielwelle
Original price
$699.00 ex GST
Original price
$699.00 ex GST
Original price
$699.00 ex GST
$699.00 ex GST
$699.00 ex GST
Current price
$699.00 ex GST
With different light experiments Optiko allows children to get access to light colours, colour mixtures and shadows.The Optiko box contains 23 interesting experiments,including mixing of light colours or the dispersion of light beams up to generating moving pictures for ananimated cartoon. In combination with shadows we better notice the existence of light. Especially the interplay of light and shadow offers a strong fascination. Shadows are to be found everywhere in our daily life or surroundings. Not only the sun but also the moon or lightening bolts generate visible shadows. Even artificial light sources like candles or electric light bulbs project good visible shadows.
SKU 7333