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Animal Dominoes Game

Original price $0 ex GST
Original price $19.90 ex GST - Original price $19.90 ex GST
Original price
Current price $19.90 ex GST
$19.90 ex GST - $19.90 ex GST
Current price $19.90 ex GST

A domino of large pieces so that the little ones can manipulate them. They are double-sided, which allows you to play in two ways: on one side, joining the classic dominoes. And on the other, uniting the photos of animals. The first way to play: the first player starts by playing cards with the same animals on both ends, the rest of the players take turns sending out cards from their own hands to play solitaire by connecting the previous animals with the same ones. This exercises children's visual discrimination and observation skills. The second way to play: with the back side of the domino cards, players can use this side for counting, addition, subtraction and sorting games. It teaches children math in advance and helps them build a math foundation that will put them ahead of their peers.

SKU E69181575

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