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by Educo
Original price $0 ex GST
Original price $28.90 ex GST - Original price $28.90 ex GST
Original price
Current price $28.90 ex GST
$28.90 ex GST - $28.90 ex GST
Current price $28.90 ex GST

The shapes of Move the Dolio are easy for a child to grasp. It stimulates grasping and gripping. The moving parts encourage the child to shake the Dolio, giving the child greater control of their hands and arms. Hand-to-hand transfers are encouraged. The body axis is traversed. The child discovers its own hands and can grasp and move in a more targeted way. The mouth is the most sensitive part of a child�s body, which is why they tend to put everything in their mouth. Move the Dolio was designed with this in mind.

SKU 900000194

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