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Busy City Rail Train Set

by Hape
Original price $0 ex GST
Original price $169.90 ex GST - Original price $169.90 ex GST
Original price
Current price $169.90 ex GST
$169.90 ex GST - $169.90 ex GST
Current price $169.90 ex GST

Train tracks aren't just for passenger trains. There's freight to deliver, too! This double-loop city-themed railway set features a passenger train and a freight train, a station, automatic gates, a bridge and much more! 

1. Start by building the track configuration shown on the box. 

2. Act out a day in the life of a busy city. The passenger train is on the tracks taking people to work and home again. Meanwhile, the freight train has been loaded up with cargo at the yard and needs to make its deliveries. 

3. Explore the different features including the station, railway safety crossing, suspension bridge, and tipper truck. 

Double loop city-themed railway set 

Passenger train has room inside for the three play figurines 

Two passengers with their luggage and the rail worker with a safety sign 

Freight train has two carriages with removable containers 

The realistic crane has a magnetic hoist for moving cargo 

The automatic gates can be opened and shut to prevent accidents 

Tipper truck has a moveable tipper 

Includes safety signs and an adjustable railway signal 

Great for teaching children how the city works 

For ages 3+

SKU E3730

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